Friday 16 June 2017

Stock in hand under GST – Treatment of CENVAT Credit and VAT Credit

Stock in hand under GST: Transitional Provisions related to Stock in hand under GST. While understanding the transitional provisions under GST, a repeated and imminent query which we are faced with is the treatment of CENVAT and VAT Credit in respect of stock held on 30th June 2017 which will be sold post 1st July 2017 i.e., after implementationof GST.
The treatment would depend on the nature of registration of the organization under the present laws. In an attempt to bring clarity on this issue, an analysis is made in this article on case study basis.
The following analysis is based on the assumption that GST will be effective from 1st July 2017.
The discussion is only in respect of inputs and input services and not capital goods.
The discussion does not cover VAT dealers paying tax under MRP Scheme.

Case 1: Manufacturer registered under Excise, VAT and Service Tax
Return filed under Excise, VAT or Service Tax shows outstanding/ excess/ unutilised balance of input tax credit
The excess input tax credit reflected in the return filed for period ended 30th June 2017 to be carried forward under GST
  GST FORM TRAN-1 to be filed by 29th August 2017
The GST FORM TRAN-1 to contain details about the credit to be carried forward
Excess CENVAT Credit (shown in Excise and Service Tax Return) shall be carried forward as CGST
Excess VAT Credit (shown in VAT Return) shall be carried forward as SGST

The balance is not allowed to be carried forward in following cases:
The Credit is not admissible in the GST Law
All returns for 6 months have not been duly filed under the Excise, VAT, Service Tax Law
Credit relates to goods manufactured and cleared under exemption notifications as are notified by the Government
VAT Credit attributable to claims related to sales under Form C, F, E1, E2, H etc. not to be allowed unless the forms are duly made available

Return filed under Excise, VAT and Service Tax does not show outstanding balance of input tax credit

Where the entire credit availed has been utilised and no outstanding, excess balance of credit is reflected in the return:
No credit shall be carried forward under GST
No requirement to file any detail with respect to the stock in GST FORM TRAN-1

Case 2: Manufacturer registered under Excise and VAT

Return filed under Excise or VAT shows outstanding/ excess/ unutilized balance of input tax credit
The excess input tax credit reflected in the return filed for period ended 30th June2017 to be carried forward under GST
GST FORM TRAN-1 to be filed by 29th August 2017
The GST FORM TRAN-1 to contain details about the credit to be carried forward
Excess CENVAT Credit (shown in Excise Return) shall be carried forward as CGST
Excess VAT Credit (shown in VAT Return) shall be carried forward as SGST

The balance is not allowed to be carried forward in following cases:
The Credit is not admissible in the GST Law
All returns for 6 months have not been duly filed under the Excise and VAT Law
Credit relates to goods manufactured and cleared under exemption notifications as are notified by the Government
VAT Credit attributable to claims related to sales under Form C, F, E1, E2,H etc. not to be allowed unless the forms are duly made

Return filed under Excise and VAT does not show excess balance of input tax credit
Where the entire credit availed has been utilised and no outstanding, excess balance of credit is reflected in the return:
No credit shall be carried forward under GST
No requirement to file any detail with respect to the stock in GST FORM TRAN-1

Case 3: Manufacturer registered under VAT only

This will cover SSI dealers opting out of excise. This will also cover manufacturers exempt from excise and not registered under excise.

Return filed under VAT shows outstanding/ excess/ unutilised balance of input tax credit
The excess input tax credit reflected in the return filed for period ended 30th June 2017 to be carried forward under GST
GST FORM TRAN-1 to be filed by 29th August 2017
The GST FORM TRAN-1 to contain details about the credit to be carried forward
Excess VAT Credit (shown in VAT Return) shall be carried forward as SGST

The balance is not allowed to be carried forward in following cases:
The Credit is not admissible in the GST Law
All returns for 6 months have not been duly filed under the VAT Law
Credit attributable to claims related to sales under Form C, F, E1, E2, H etc. not to be allowed unless the forms are duly made available

Return filed under VAT does not show excess balance of input tax credit
No credit shall be carried forward under GST in respect of VAT

Excise duty, Additional Excise Duty, CVD and SAD in respect of raw materials, finished/ semi-finished stock held on 30th June 2017
Credit of Excise and other related duties allowed (subject to few conditions)
Duty paying documents/ invoices are essential
Date of issue of such invoice must be on or after 1st July 2016
GST FORM TRAN-1 to be filed by 29th August 2017
The GST FORM TRAN-1 to contain details about the credit claimed
The GST FORM TRAN-1 to contain details about the stock held on 30th June 2017
Opening Credit as on 1st July 2017 shall be shown as CGST

Case 4: Trader registered under Excise and VAT

This will cover first stage/ second stage dealers

Return filed under VAT shows outstanding/ excess/ unutilised balance of input tax credit
The excess input tax credit reflected in the return filed for period ended 30thJune 2017 to be carried forward under GST
GST FORM TRAN-1 to be filed by 29th August 2017
The GST FORM TRAN-1 to contain details about the credit to be carried forward
Excess VAT Credit (shown in VAT Return) shall be carried forward as SGST

The balance is not allowed to be carried forward in following cases:
The Credit is not admissible in the GST Law
All returns for 6 months have not been duly filed under the VAT law
Credit attributable to claims related to sales under Form C, F, E1, E2, H etc. not to be allowed unless the forms are duly made available

Return filed under VAT does not show excess balance of input tax credit
No VAT credit shall be carried forward under GST

Excise duty, Additional Excise Duty, CVD and SAD in respect of raw materials, finished/ semi-finished stock held on 30th June 2017
Credit of Excise and other related duties allowed (subject to few conditions)
Duty paying documents/ invoices are essential
Date of issue of such invoice has to be on or after 1st July 2016
GST FORM TRAN-1 to be filed by 29th August 2017
The GST FORM TRAN-1 to contain details about the credit claimed
The GST FORM TRAN-1 to contain details about the stock held on 30th June 2017
Opening Credit as on 1st July 2017 shall be shown as CGST

Case 5: Trader registered under VAT

Return filed under VAT shows outstanding/ excess/ unutilised balance of input tax credit
The excess input tax credit reflected in the return to be carried forward under GST
GST FORM TRAN-1 to be filed by 29th August 2017
The GST FORM TRAN-1 to contain details about the credit to be carried forward
Excess VAT Credit (shown in VAT Return) shall be carried forward as SGST

The balance is not allowed to be carried forward in following cases:
The Credit is not admissible in the GST Law
All returns for 6 months have not been duly filed under the VAT law
Credit attributable to claims related to sales under Form C, F, E1, E2, H etc. not to be allowed unless the forms are duly made available

Return filed under VAT does not show excess balance of input tax credit
No credit shall be carried forward under GST in respect of VAT

Excise duty, Additional Excise Duty, CVD and SAD in respect of stock held on 30th June 2017 –
Duty paying documents/ invoices are available
Credit of Excise and other related duties allowed (subject to few conditions)
Date of issue of such invoice must be on or after 1st July 2016
GST FORM TRAN-1 to be filed by 29th August 2017
The GST FORM TRAN-1 to contain details about the credit claimed
The GST FORM TRAN-1 to contain details about the stock held on 30th June 2017
Credit shall be carried forward as CGST
Duty paying documents/ invoices are not available
Credit of Excise and other related duties allowed (subject to few conditions)
Credit allowed @ 40% of CGST applicable on supply of the stock after 1st July 2017
Credit allowed in respect of supplies made till 31st December 2017
Documents for procurement of the goods are essential
Goods should not be exempt from excise or nil rated
GST FORM TRAN-1 to be filed by 29th August 2017
Credit shall be carried forward as CGSTStatement containing details of supplies to be submitted each month for 6 months The GST FORM TRAN-1 to contain details about the stock held on 30th June 2017

Case 6: Service provider registered under Service Tax paying tax at normal rate

Return filed under Service Tax shows outstanding/ excess/ unutilised balance of input tax credit
The excess input tax credit reflected in the return filed for the period ended 30th June 2017 to be carried forward under GST
GST FORM TRAN-1 to be filed by 29th August 2017
The GST FORM TRAN-1 to contain details about the credit to be carried forward
Excess CENVAT Credit (shown in Service Tax Return) shall be carried forward as CGST

The balance is not allowed to be carried forward in following cases:
The Credit is not admissible in the GST Law
All returns for 6 months have not been duly filed under the Service Tax Law

Return filed under Service Tax does not show excess balance of input tax credit
No credit shall be carried forward under GST in respect of Service Tax

Case 7: Manufacturer/ Service provider not registered under any of current laws now registered under GST

Excise duty, Additional Excise Duty, CVD and SAD in respect of raw materials, finished/ semi-finished stock held on 30th June 2017
Credit of Excise and other related duties allowed
Inputs/ goods should be used to make taxable GST supplies
ITC in respect of the inputs should be eligible under GST
Duty paying documents/ invoices are essential
Date of issue of such invoice has to be on or after 1st July 2016
GST FORM TRAN-1 to be filed by 29th August 2017
The GST FORM TRAN-1 to contain details about the credit claimed
The GST FORM TRAN-1 to contain details about the stock held on 30th June 2017
Credit shall be carried forward as CGST

Case 8: Trader not registered under any of current laws now registered under GST

VAT in respect of raw materials, finished/ semi-finished stock held on 30th June 2017
Credit of VAT allowed
Inputs/ goods should be used to make taxable GST supplies
ITC in respect of the inputs should be eligible under GST
Duty paying documents/ invoices are essential
Date of issue of such invoice must be on or after 1st July 2016
GST FORM TRAN-1 to be filed by 29th August 2017
The GST FORM TRAN-1 to contain details about the credit claimed
The GST FORM TRAN-1 to contain details about the stock held on 30th June 2017
Credit shall be carried forward as SGST

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