Wednesday 30 September 2015

Extension of due Date to 31.10.2015- Who can take benefit and FAQs

From Last Few days there was numbers of Writs filed in various High Courts in India for extension of Due date of Income tax Return and tax Audit Report, which were falling due on 30th September 2015. In all these appeal, some high courts has ruled in favour of Assessee, Some has ruled against the Assessee, Some are yet to decide and some left the issue at the wisdom of CBDT. So the final status of all high courts in which appeals been filed on the issue as per my knowledge is as follows:-

S. No.
High Court Name
Status on 01.10.2015 at 9.00 AM
Delhi High Court

Ruled in Favour of CBDT/UOI
Rajasthan High Court, Jodhpur Bench
Ruled in Favour of CBDT/UOI
Bombay High Court
Instructed CBDT to Extend Due Date to 31.10.2015
Gujarat High Court
Instructed CBDT to Extend Due Date to 31.10.2015
Punjab & Haryana High Court
Instructed CBDT to Extend Due Date to 31.10.2015
Orissa High Court
Instructed CBDT to Extend Due Date to 31.10.2015
Karnataka High Court

Instructed to CBDT to Consider representation of Petitioner/ICAI
Calcutta High Court

High Court yet to decide on the issue
Andhra Pradesh & Telangana High Court at Hyderabad

High Court yet to decide on the issue

Post High Court Instruction CBDT has yesterday on 30.09.2015 come up with three orders by which –
1.     it has extended the due date of e-filing of Income Tax Return to 31.10.2015 in the State of Punjab, Haryana, Gujarat and Union Territory of Chandigarh and
2.     It rejected the representation of KSCAA which it considered on the instruction of Hon’ble Karnataka High Court.

Now the questions which arise in the mind of various taxpayers are as follows:-
1. What is the position of Extension in the state of Rajasthan and Delhi where High Court ruled against the Assessee?
 Answer- In my Opinion Ruling of Territorial High Court will prevail and for the Assessee falling in these Jurisdictions due date will remain 30th September 2015.

2. What will be the due date for the Assessee falling in Jurisdiction of High Courts which ruled in favour of Assessee but CBDT has not issued any instruction?
Answer- They can wait for Order of CBDT as CBDT will surely act on Order of Such High Courts and extend the due date as per Instruction of Such High Courts.

3. What will be the status of Assessee falling in the Jurisdiction of Karnataka High Court?
Answer- For them also due date will remain 30th September 2015 as CBDT has rejected the representation of Petitioner.

4. What will be the status of Assessee falling under the Jurisdiction of High Court’s where no appeal been fled and in case any appeal been filed no judgment has come so far?
In such cases as per the decision of Hon’ble supreme court in the case of CIT vs M/S. Vegetables Products Ltd. 88 ITR 192 Assessee may choose the Judgment of High Court which is more beneficial to him. So Asssessee may choose the Judgment of Favourable High Courts till any judgment comes from their jurisdictional high court. Once any Judgment comes from Jurisdiction High Court than the same will apply.

5. In the CBDT orders dated 30.09.2015 CBDT has said that extension is Subject to filing of Appeal by Department in Supreme Court, so what will be the status of extension if Supreme Court decides against the Assessee?
Answer- In my opinion for the intervening period extension will remain in effect and no penalty can be imposed on Assessee for delay in filing up to extended period.

6. Do High Court orders are only for the Assessee of their Jurisdiction or was it for the Assessee all over India?
Answer- We have not come across any thing in the High Court orders which suggests that the Order applies only for the Assessee falling in a Particular High Court Jurisdiction. In our opinion High Court has extended the benefit to   all the Assessees falling under Income Tax Act, 1961 and who were required to file their Return on or before 30.09.2015 under section 139(1) of the Income Tax Act, 1961.

7.  Is it amount to Contempt of Court?
Answers – CBDT has arbitrarily extended the due for only for the Assessee falling in Punjab, Haryana, Gujarat and of Union Territory of Chandigarh, so they have not fully complied the High Court Instructions and the same may be treated as Contempt of Court by Hon’ble High Courts.

8.  Do CBDT or Hon;ble High Courts has extended only the due date only of ITR or also of Tax Audit Reports?
Answer- In Our opinion Extension of date of ITR will apply to Tax Audit Report also as both are integral to each other. Earlier before introduction of Online Returns and Tax Audit Reports Assessee was required to submit his Tax Audit Report with his Income Tax Return.

Note- Please check the Relevant Law Provisions before relying on the above.

- See more at:

Exemption limit of Transport allowance of Rs. 3200/- per month

NOTIFICATION NO. 75/2015– Under Rule 2BB of Income Tax Rules various allowance and extent to which the same can be claimed as exempt by Salaried Assessee is been specified. Under the same rule Exemption limit of Transport allowance also been given. In this rule be amendment the higher exemption limit of Transport allowance of Rs. 3200/- per month been made available to deaf and Dumb salaried Assessee. Earlier the higher exemption limit was available only to  blind or orthopaedically handicapped with disability of lower extremities.


NOTIFICATION NO. 75/2015, Dated: September 23, 2015
In exercise of the powers conferred by section 295, read with clause (14) of section 10 of the Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961), the Central Board of Direct Taxes hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Income-tax Rules, 1962, namely:-

1. (1) These rules may be called the Income-tax (Thirteenth Amendment) Rules, 2015.
(2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette.

2. In the Income-tax Rules, 1962, in rule 2BB, in sub-rule (2), in the Table, against serial number 11, in the entry under column (2) relating to “name of allowance”, after the words “who is blind”, the words “or deaf and dumb” shall be inserted.

(Arju Garodia)
Under Secy. (TPL)

Note.- The principal rules were published in the Gazette of India vide notification number S.O. 969(E), dated the 26th March, 1962, and last amended by vide Notification number S.O. 2290(E) dated 17th August, 2015.

CBDT has extended due date only for the state of Haryana, Punjab , Union Territory of Chandigarh and Gujarat.

Vide its order dated 30.09.2015 CBDT has extended due date only for the state of Haryana, Punjab , Union Territory of Chandigarh and Gujarat.

Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Revenue
Central Board of Direct Taxes
North-Block, TA.II Division
New Delhi dated the 30th of September, 2015
Order under Section 119 of the Income-tax Act, 1961

1. The Central Board of Direct Taxes, in compliance to the order of Hon’ble Punjab and Haryana High Court dated 29.09.2015 in case of Vishal Garg & Ors. vs Union of India & Anr.; CWP 19770/2015 and in exercise of powers conferred under section 119 of the Income-tax Act, 1961 (‘Act’), hereby orders that the returns of income due to be e-Flied by 30th September, 2015 may be filed by 31st October, 2015 in cases of Income-tax assessees of the State(s) of Punjab and Haryana and Union Territory of Chandigarh.
2. This order shall be subject to the outcome of any further appeal/SLP which the CBDT may file against the said Judgment.

(Rohit Garg)

Deputy-Secretary to the Government of India
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Revenue
Central Board of Direct Taxes
North-Block, TA.II Division New Delhi dated the 30th of September, 2015
Order under Section 119 of the Income-tax Act, 1961

1. The Central Board of Direct Taxes, in compliance to the order of Hon’ble Gujarat High Court dated 29.09.2015 in case of All Gujarat Federation of Tax Consultants vs. CBDT ; Special Civil Application No. 15075 of 2015  and in exercise of powers conferred under section 119 of the Income-tax Act, 1961 (‘Act’), hereby orders that the returns of income due to be e-Flied by 30th September, 2015 may be filed by 31st October, 2015 in cases of Income-tax assessees of the State of Gujarat.
2. This order shall be subject to the outcome of any further appeal/SLP which the CBDT may file against the said Judgment.

(Rohit Garg)
Deputy-Secretary to the Government of India

Sunday 27 September 2015

Section 80C: Life Insurance Premium

Life Insurance Plans are very popular as a tool to get deduction u/s 80C of the I T Act. 1. The investment in life insurance can be deducted up to Rs 1,50,000. (Rs. 1 Lakh upto A.Y. 2014-15). It a common perception that Premium Paid all Life Insurance Policies qualifies for deduction under section 80C of the Income Tax Act,1961 and full premium amount qualifies for deduction under section 80C .

Apart from several other items provided under section 80C, a taxpayer, being an individual or a Hindu Undivided Family (HUF), can claim deduction under section 80C in respect of premium on life insurance policy paid by him/it during the year.

Policy to be taken in whose name?
In case of an individual, deduction is available in respect of policy taken in the name of taxpayer or his/her spouse or his/her children. In case of a HUF, deduction is available in respect of policy taken in the name of any of the members of the HUF.
No deduction is available in respect of premium paid in respect of policy taken in the name of any person, other than given above.

Deduction Allowed
Overall deduction u/s 80C (along with deduction u/s 80CCC & 80CCD) allowed is up to Rs. 1,50,000

How much deduction available u/s 80C for investment in insurance policies???
Section 80C of the Income Tax Act provides deduction up to Rs 1,50,000 provided you invest according to condition given in section itself. One of the most popular way of saving tax by deduction u/s 80C is purchase of insurance policy. There is common perception that premium upto Rs 1,50,000 on any insurance product like life insurance or Unit Linked Insurance plan is fully allowed.However, this is not correct. The reason for such conclusion is section 80C (3) and 3(A) of the Income Tax Act which specifies which premium is eligible for deduction under section 80C of the Income Tax Act,1961.

Restriction on amount of deduction with respect to capital sum assured/ Eligible Premium under Sub-section (3) and (3A) of 80C of Income Tax Act,1961 For regular Life Insurance Policies (other than contract for deferred annuity)
Issued from 01.04.2012 – premium paid not in excess of 10% of Capital Sum Assured (as amended by Finance Act 2012.
Issued from 01.04.2003 and on or before 31.03.2012 – premium paid not in excess of 20% of Capital Sum Assured

Eligible Premium under Sub-section (3) and (3A) of 80C of Income Tax Act,1961 For Life Insurance Policies (other than contract for deferred annuity) for (a) a person with disability or a person with severe disability as referred to in section 80U, or (b) suffering from disease or ailment as specified in the rules made under section 80DDB,
Issued from 01.04.2013 – premium paid not in excess of 15% of Capital Sum Assured ( Inserted by the Finance Act, 2013, w.e.f. 1-4-2014).
Therefore , it is clear from section 80C (3) that whatever insurance premium is paid for any insurance policy( other than deferred annuity) or ULIP , the maximum allowable is fixed at 10% of the sum assured.
So, next time you buy any insurance product , think about sum assured and whether the insurance premium is just below 10 % of sum assured regular policies and 15% for for (a) a person with disability or a person with severe disability as referred to in section 80U, or (b) suffering from disease or ailment as specified in the rules made under section 80DDB.

Minimum holding period for Life insurance policy – 2 Years.
Taxability of Premium allowed in Earlier year- If any of Life insurance policy is terminated, sold, etc., before the minimum holding period specified above, then the deduction allowed in earlier years would be deemed as income of the previous year of termination, sale, etc. Further, no deduction will be allowed in respect of contribution, payment, etc., made towards such policy (i.e., which is terminated) during the year of termination.

Mr. Raja had made the following payments during the financial year 2015-16 to avail of the advantage of deduction under section 80C:
1. Premium paid on his life insurance policy of Rs. 8,400. Policy was taken in April 2011 and sum assured was Rs. 25,000.
2. Premium of Rs. 1,000 on his another life insurance policy. Premium was due in March 2015 but was actually paid in April 2016.
3. Premium of Rs. 30,000 on life insurance policy taken in the name of his wife. Policy was taken in April 2012 and sum assured was Rs. 2,00,000.
4. Premium of Rs. 30,000 on life insurance policies taken in the name of his three children (one is minor daughter, second is major married daughter and third is major married son, who is a practicing engineer). The policies are term plans and premium on all the policies worked out to be 5% of capital sum assured.
5. Premium on life insurance policy taken in the name of his parents who are dependent on him. Premium paid during the year amounted to Rs. 25,200.
6. Premium on life insurance policy taken in the name of parents of his spouse who are dependent on him. Premium paid during the year amounted to Rs. 2,520.
7. Premium on life insurance policy taken in the name of his younger brother and sister dependent on him. Premium paid during the year amounted to Rs. 5,000.
8. Investment in PPF Rs. 60,000.
9. Investment in NSC Rs. 10,000. Interest accrued during the year on NSC amounted to Rs. 1,000.
10. Payment of tuition fees of his minor daughter Rs. 5,000.
11. Repayment of housing loan Rs. 12,000.
12. Investment in post office time deposit Rs. 10,000.
What will be the quantum of deduction under section 80C for the year 2015-16 which Mr. Raja will be entitled to claim in respect of above payments?

(A) The taxpayer can claim deduction under section 80C in respect of premium on life insurance policy paid by him during the year. Deduction is available in respect of policy taken in the name of taxpayer, his spouse and his children. No deduction is available in respect of premium paid in respect of policy taken in the name of any person other than given above. Deduction is restricted to 20% of capital sum assured in respect of policies issued on or before 3 1-3-2012 and 10% in case of policies issued on or after 1-4-2012. Considering the above provisions, deduction in respect of life insurance premium will be as follows:

1) In respect of premium of Rs. 8,400 on his life insurance policy which is taken in April 2011, deduction will be restricted to 20% of capital sum assured. Sum assured is Rs. 25,000 and 20% of the same will work out to be Rs. 5,000. Hence, out of Rs. 8,400, he will be eligible to claim deduction of Rs. 5,000.

2) Deduction under section 80C is available on payment basis. In respect of premium of Rs. 1,000 on his another policy (which is due in March), no deduction will be available in current year, since the premium is not paid in the current year. Premium is paid in next year and hence, he can claim deduction of Rs. 1,000 in next year.

3) In respect of premium of Rs. 30,000 on life insurance policy taken in the name of his wife, deduction will be restricted to 10% of capital sum assured. Sum assured is Rs. 2,00,000 and 10% of the same will work out to be Rs. 20,000, hence, out of Rs. 30,000, he will be eligible to claim deduction of Rs. 20,000.

4) Premium in respect of policy taken in the name of his children works out to be 5% of capital sum assured. Hence, entire amount of premium of Rs. 30,000 will be eligible for deduction. Further, it should be noted that deduction is allowed for all children irrespective of the fact whether they are dependent/independent, major/minor, or married/unmarried.

5) No deduction is available on account of premium paid in respect of policy taken in the name of any person other than the taxpayer, his spouse and his children. Hence, no deduction will be available in respect of premium paid by him on policy taken in the name of his parents, parents of his spouse and his brother/sister.

6) Total premium eligible for deduction under section 80C will amount to Rs. 55,000 (Rs. 5,000 + Rs. 20,000 + Rs. 30,000).
(B) The taxpayer can claim deduction under section 80C in respect of any contribution made by him towards statutory provident fund or recognised provident fund or approved superannuation fund or public provident fund (PPF). Thus, contribution to PPF of Rs. 60,000 will be eligible for deduction under section 80C.
(C) The taxpayer can claim deduction under section 80C in respect of amount paid by him towards purchase of NSC. Hence, he will be able to claim deduction under section 80C in respect of Rs. 10,000 paid by him towards purchase of NSC.
Accrued interest on NSC is taxed in the hands of the receiver and the same will be treated as an investment during the year of accrual (except for last year) and will qualify for deduction under section 80C. Hence, accrued interest of Rs. 1,000 will be treated as taxable income and on the same hand will also qualify for deduction under section 80C.
(D) The taxpayer can claim deduction under section 80C in respect of amount paid by him during the year towards tuition fees (excluding development fees, donation or similar payments) paid at the time of admission or thereafter, to any university, school, college or other educational institution situated in India, for full time education of any two children of the taxpayer. Hence, Rs. 5,000 paid by him on account of tuition fees of his minor daughter will qualify for deduction under section 80C.
(E) The taxpayer can claim deduction under section 80C in respect of amount paid by him towards repayment of housing loan. Hence, Rs. 12,000 paid by him on account of repayment of housing loan will qualify for deduction under section 80C.
(F) The taxpayer can claim deduction under section 80C in respect of investment made by him in post office time deposit. Hence, he can claim deduction of Rs. 10,000 under section 80C.
Considering above eligible items given in (A) to (F), the eligible amount of deduction will come to Rs. 1,53,000 (*)
However, total deduction under section 80C cannot exceed Rs. 1,50,000, hence, deduction will be limited to Rs. 1,50,000. In other words, Mr. Raja can claim deduction of Rs. 1,50,000 under section 80C.
(*) Rs. 55,000 LIP + Rs. 60,000 PPF + Rs. 11,000 NSC +Rs. 5,000 tuition fees + Rs. 12,000 housing loan + Rs. 10,000 time deposits.

- See more at:

Important: Pending for PAN-Aadhaar Linking