Saturday 28 March 2015


[AY 2014-15 & AY 2015-16]
Nature of default
Penalty leviable
Failure to pay wholly or partly—
Such amount as Assessing Officer may impose but not exceeding tax in arrears

(a) self-assessment tax/fringe benefit tax, or

(b) interest, or

(c) both

under section 140A(1)
Determination of undisclosed income of block period
Minimum : 100 per cent of tax leviable in respect of undisclosed income

Maximum : 300 per cent of tax leviable in respect of undisclosed income.
Default in making payment of tax
Such amount as Assessing Officer may impose but not exceeding amount of tax in arrears
Failure to file statement within time prescribed in section 200(3) or in proviso to section 206C(3)
Rs. 200 for every day during which failure continues but not exceeding tax deductible/collectible
Failure to comply with a notice under section 115WD(2)/115WE(2)/142(1) or section 143(2) or failure to comply with a direction under section 142(2A)
Fixed at Rs. 10,000 for each failure
Concealment of particulars of income or fringe benefits or furnishing of inaccurate particulars of income or fringe benefits
Minimum : 100 per cent

Maximum : 300 per cent of tax sought to be evaded in addition to tax payable
Distribution of profits by registered firm otherwise than in accordance with partnership deed and as a result of which partner has returned income below the real income
Not exceeding 150 per cent of difference between tax on partner's income assessed and tax on income returned, in addition to tax payable
Failure to keep, maintain, or retain books of account, documents, etc., as required under section 44AA
Rs. 25,000
(1) Failure to keep and maintain information and documents required by section 92D(1) or 92D(2)
2% of value of each international transaction/or specified domestic transaction entered into

(2) Failure to report such transaction

(3) Maintaining or furnishing incorrect information or document
Where search has been initiated before 1-7-2012 and undisclosed income found
10% of undisclosed income
Where search has been initiated on or after 1-7-2012 and undisclosed income found
(a) 10% of undisclosed income of the specified previous year if assessee admits the undisclosed income; substantiates the manner in which it was derived; and on or before the specified date pays the tax, together with interest thereon and furnishes the return of income for the specified previous year declaring such undisclosed income
(b) 20% of undisclosed income of the specified previous year if assessee does not admit the undisclosed income, and on or before the specified date declare such income in the return of income furnished for the specified previous year and pays the tax, together with interest thereon;
(c) Minimum 30% and maximum 90% of undisclosed income of the specified previous year if it is not covered by (a) or (b) above
Failure to get accounts audited or furnish a report of audit as required under section 44AB
One-half per cent of total sales, turnover or gross receipts, etc., or Rs. 1,50,000, which-ever is less
Failure to furnish a report from an accountant as required by section 92E
Rs. 1,00,000
Failure to subscribe any amount to units issued under scheme referred to in section 88A(1)
20 per cent of such amount
Failure to deduct tax at source, wholly or partly, under sections 192 to 196D (Chapter XVII-B) or failure to pay wholly or partly tax u/s 115-O(2) or second proviso to section 194B
Amount equal to tax not deducted or paid
Failure to collect tax at source as required under Chapter XVII-BB
Amount equal to tax not collected
Taking or accepting certain loans and deposits in contravention of provisions of section 269SS
Amount equal to loan or deposit taken or accepted
Repaying any loan or deposit specified in section 269T in contravention of its provisions
Amount equal to loan or deposit repaid
Failure to furnish return as required by section 139(1) or by its provisos before the end of the relevant assessment year
Rs. 5,000
Failure to furnish an annual information return as required under section 285BA(1)2
Rs. 100 per day of default

Failure to furnish annual information return within the period specified in notice u/s 285BA(5)
Rs. 500 per day of default
Failure by an employer to furnish the return of fringe benefits as required under section 115WD(1)
Rs. 100 for every day of default
Failure to furnish any information or document as required by section 92D(3)
2% of the value of the international transaction/specified domestic transaction for each failure
Failure to deliver/cause to be delivered a statement within the time prescribed in section 200(3) or the proviso to section 206C(3), or furnishes incorrect information in the statement
W.e.f. 1-10-2014 Assessing Officer may direct payment of penalty. Penalty shall not be less than Rs. 10,000 but may extend to Rs. 1,00,000
Refusal or failure to :
Rs. 10,000 for each failure/default

(a) answer questions

(b) sign statement

(c) attend to give evidence or produce books of account, etc., in compliance with summons under section 131(1)
Failure to :

(a) furnish requisite information in respect of securities as required under section 94(6) ;
Rs. 10,000 for each failure/default. (In respect of penalty for failure, in relation to a declaration mentioned in section 197A, a certificate as required by section 203 and returns u/ss 206 and 206C and statements under section 200(3) or proviso to section 206C(3), penalty shall not exceed amount of tax deductible or collectible)

(b) give notice of discontinuance of business or profession as required under section 176(3) ;

(c) furnish in due time returns, statements or certificates, deliver de-claration, allow inspection, etc., under sections 133, 134, 139(4A), 139(4C), 192(2C), 197A, 203, 206, 206C, 206C(1A) and 285B;

(d) deduct and pay tax under section 226(2)

(e) file a copy of the prescribed statement within the time specified in section 200(3) or the proviso to section 206C(3) (up to 1-7-2012)

(f) file the prescribed statement within the time specified in section 206A(1)
Failure to comply with section 133B
Not exceeding Rs. 1,000
Failure to comply with provisions of section 139A/139A(5)(c)/(5A)/(5C)
Rs. 10,000
Failure to comply with section 203A
Rs. 10,000 for each failure/default
Quoting false tax deduction account number/tax collection account number/tax deduction and collection account number in challans/certificates/statements/documents referred to in section 203A(2)
Rs. 10,000
Note : No penalty is imposable for any failure under sections 271(1)(b), 271A, 271AA, 271B, 271BA, 271C, 271CA, 271D, 271E, 271F, 271FA, 271FB, 271G, 271H, 272A(1)(c) or (d), 272A(2), 272AA(1), 272B, 272BB(1), 272BB(1A) and 272BBB if the person or assessee proves that there was reasonable cause for such failure (section 273B).
Section 273AA provides that a person may make application to the Principal Commissioner/Commissioner for granting immunity from penalty, if (a) he has made an application for settlement under section 245C and the proceedings for settlement have abated; and (b) penalty proceeding have been initiated under this Act. The application shall not be made after the imposition of penalty after abatement.

1. With effect from assessment year 2015-16 "annual information return" has been changed to "statement of financial transaction or reportable account" and word "return" has been changed to "statement".
2. With effect from assessment year 2015-16 a new section 271FAA has been inserted to provide for a penalty of Rs. 50,000 for furnishing inaccurate statement of financial transaction or reportable account in certain cases.
3. With effect from 1-10-2014 TPO can also levy penalty.
4. Section 271H as amended with effect from 1-10-2014 provides that penalty shall be levied by Assessing Officer.

[As amended by Finance (No. 2) Act, 2014]

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Important: Pending for PAN-Aadhaar Linking